Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Homemade Laundry Detergent

Several years ago I was looking for ways to save money. I began looking at items that we needed, but were expensive. (Especially on a newly married, young couple in college budget) Laundry detergent seemed to be one of the larger expenses and something I thought we could save some money on. My next door neighbor Kayla told me that she made her own laundry detergent and she loved it. This gave me just the inspiration I needed. I could find a way to make my own laundry soap. Kayla told me that making laundry soap was very easy and I wouldn't regret it. Well, I took to the internet and searched for a laundry soap recipe. I found some for powder detergent and some for liquid detergent. I decided that I would want to have a liquid laundry soap, so I went on from there. I found several different recipes for soap and decided on one that I found to be simple and one I could make my own. As I have made this soap a lot it has evolved and changed and I have made it my own.

So, do it yourself. Test out this recipe for yourself, fall in love and never look back! 

What you will need:

*Bar of soap - any kind you want. ($.99-$1.50 a bar) 
*Box of Borax - $6.00 - $7.00 depending on where you get it. 
*Box of Washing Soda - $3.50
*A pot that holds more than 2 gallons. I just bought one at Walmart for like $20 instead of searching for one at the thrift store. The $20 cost was definitely worth it. 
*A cheese grater. $1.00 at the thrift store. 
*A funnel. $.25 at the thrift store. 
*A long spoon. $.25 at the thrift store. 
*3 empty milk jugs or juice containers. - FREE - recycled from the refrigerator.  
* about a half an hour of time.

Don't know where to find Borax or Washing Soda at your local store? Try the isle that has laundry detergents and fabric softeners. This is where you will most likely find it, let's just say I've never not found it there. You will use the Borax and Washing Soda multiple times as you only need 1 cup of each per batch. They all around cost of making this will save you oodles. 

I promise you will thank yourself time and time again for trying this out and will definitely save some pennies, heck even dollars in the process.

The recipe I use is below:

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Open Up Shop...

Ok everyone. It's time to open up shop!

As of two weeks ago I finally opened up my etsy shop. I was a little slow getting it up, and it is definitely still a work in progress, but I am very excited to have accomplished this little goal as a part of the big goals I have set for myself.  If you would like to check it out click here.  There are a few items up, and more will be coming this week, so please keep checking back. I also take custom orders! So, if you see something you like, but have an idea you would like even more, let me know.

In the meantime, start your week off right by watching a great pep talk from kid President.